A space to remember who you are.

We are a holistic chiropractic center, we practice a gentle healing approach called Network Spinal to bring aliveness and deep connection.

This way of practicing chiropractic frees the self-organizing wisdom of life - unwinding defense and conditioned patterns, helping your body and being remember who you have always been.

Our nervous systems are millions of years old. The energy and information is passed on through generations, weaving us into creation with the stories of our ancestors, the stories of the earth, and the stories of the cosmos.

Every nerve impulse sends a tone of information from body to brain and brain to body… we are a living song.

When there is interference in the nervous system due to physical, emotional, chemical stress and trauma, there is a distortion of the messages being delivered between the brain and body. This creates a dampened and dulled experience in your everyday life, health and wellbeing.

The spine is a pathway to who you truly are. We meet in the silence to discover the essence of who you are.

The word “Ma” comes from the healing wisdom of the divine mother. There is an inherently receptive space within all of us - women, men, children and babies, which knows how to heal and find home.

When we are in the womb, the first part of us that develops is the notochord, which develops into the nervous system and spinal cord. Ma represents the primordial memory of where we come from and the path of awakening to who we truly are.

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